Paul Lusk

Course materials: TMO managers' pilot programme

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Course provider: National Federation of Tenant Management Organisations (NFTMO)

Accreditation: Chartered Institute of Housing (Level 3)

Funding: Department of Communities and Local Government (pilot for self-funding programme for chief officers and managers in a tenant-led environment)

Course purpose: to prepare managers working for tenant controlled housing organisations - especially TMOs - to enable their volunteer boards to exercise good control over Governance and Finances.

Course delivery team: Paul Lusk with Karen Williams, Daphne Francis, Trevor Bell and Steve O'Hagan.

Course dates: Free pilots took place in March-April 2015. Contact the NFTMO for future arrangements.

These course materials are all thoroughly tested in training with community and tenant groups. They are designed to use in induction and training for Board members.

Course materials are the intellectual property of Paul Lusk but may be freely downloaded, adapted and used by course participants.


Governance course


Course programme


Toolkit (Q&A and supporting material)

What's in a constitution?

Why are we incorporated?

AGM preparation checklist

Scenario for dicussion


Financial control course


Course programme


Exercise: scenario with cashbook and four reports - Income and Expenditure, Budget control, Balances and Cashflow forecast

Exercise on Excel

Bank reconciliation

Sample financial regulations
